Friday, March 11, 2011

Peggy Joyce Collins Shearron 1933-2011

Today I sent out my final email update on Grandma Peggy. 

She's gone. 

I got the call from Dad around 8:00 last night and there wasn't much for us to discuss, really. We'd been waiting for this call for the last few weeks and earlier in the night while on Skype, Dad and I discussed how surprised we were that Grandma was still holding on. Strong, determined and amazing right up to the very end, she was.

Dad had gotten a call from my cousin R'heem who simply told him that Grandma was gone and that her suffering was over. I don't know what time she transitioned from this life to the next, I don't know if she was alone, I don't know if she was lucid just before dying... but I guess none of that really matters. I'm sad she's gone and I'll probably miss her for  the rest of my life, but I have a peace about her death. She suffered for a long time, she fought a long and strong battle and now she must be so relieved and happy. The Jesus she clung to for her whole life, the Jesus she so intimately had a relationship with is now before her very eyes. She's not hurting, she's not crying, she's at rest. Finally. 

I've lost both of my grandmothers within ten months of each other (almost to the date). Its sad that they're not here to speak into my life, to see my children grow, to know my husband, to share their wisdom. But, this is part of life, right? There is a beauty in the fact that I had my grandmothers into my late twenties, that's a blessing. Part of my family legacy is fading... I hope I can do a good job of teaching my babe what her grandparents were like and how important family truly is. 

The last time we saw Grandma was in May 5, 2007 while on our honeymoon. She was so touched that Blinn and I wanted to visit her while away for what was supposed to be time just for the two of us. We didn't even think twice about it. Even though these pics aren't amazing, I'm glad we have them. She was so, so special. 

She treated us to an amazing breakfast at The Buttercup Kitchen.
A "very Grandma" kind of a diner.

After breakfast she wanted to show off her tiny apartment.
I remember he saying, almost as a warning as she unlocked the front door:
"Its not much, but I don't need much, okay? It more than meets my needs."

She LOVED my Matty Boy and he LOVED her.
Look how giddy they are here! She was waving her finger at him and saying
"THAT'S my grandson!" She was one of the most inclusive, welcoming souls ever.

Taken on her balcony that had a beautiful view of Oakland, CA.

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