Thursday, May 10, 2012

Little One Letter #1

Little One, 

Two days ago it was confirmed: We're having a baby! Your papa and I suspected it, but two bright pink lines on a pregnancy test set the record straight. We are thrilled! For the last few months we've been ready to expand our family and apparently, the time is right... now!
We're guessing you'll arrive in early to mid-January as 2013 gets started. We'll have a few weeks to used to you and get you acclimated to our family life and then we'll celebrate your big sister's third birthday. It will be a crazy time, but so fun too. 
Speaking of your big sister, you are going to LOVE her! She is the coolest, funniest, sassiest Blinn there is and you'll learn so much from her. She'll undoubtedly teach you things she shouldn't, but more than anything, I know she'll make you a smarter, better, more loving person. Before she was two years old she knew that babies grew in a mama's womb and she learned exactly how they were born into the world. However, when I told her the news that you, my child, were actually in mama's womb right now she insisted that no, there's a baby in her womb - not mine! Oh well, we have a while for her to get the facts right. She's going to totally love being your big sister and my hope is that the two of you grow up being really close friends. 
I'm only about 4 weeks along in this pregnancy and from what I've read, that means you're roughly the size of a poppy seed. You have no idea what a poppy seed is yet, but lemme tell ya, its tiiiiiiny! Before I know it though, I'll be entering my second, then third trimester and then I'll blink and I'll be in labor. Things went fast when I was pregnant with your older siblings, I'm sure they'll go quickly with you too. I want to do my best to soak up this time with you though, Sweet Baby. I'll try not to compare my pregnancy with you to that of your brother or sister, nor will I (purposefully) compare you to them when you're here and in my arms. Its inevitable, I know, to do such a thing, but I know you're your own unique person and I want you to always know that you're special and loved because you're you. You needn't do a thing to win the affection or approval of your father and me. You were created out of the most intimate way your papa and I can express our love for each other and I'll carry you with me the next few months with that same, deep love. You are a precious, miraculous gift, Little One and I already love you so much. 


PS: Do me a favor, would ya? Try not to make me too sick in the weeks to come, mmmmk?

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