Monday, October 8, 2012

Perfect fall day

Saturday was great. Somehow, the month of September filled up really quickly and got a little bit out of hand as far as our busyness. I had been looking forward to Saturday, October 6th for a while, knowing that there was nothing planned and that we could possibly enjoy a nice, family, fall day together. And what did I get? Just that!

Z and I slept in a little and woke up to treats from Tim Horton's on the dining room table from our favorite boy. Soon after we enjoyed our donuts, the three of us got dressed for the day and headed to the farmer's market. It was a beautiful, chilly morning with lots of sunshine and not a gloomy cloud in the sky. 

I had been hoping to get to a pumpkin patch with the fam this fall, but feared that days would fill up too quickly and we wouldn't be able to squeeze it in. We went to one when Zachari was eight months old and took lots of photos there. Last year, we missed it completely, and so this year I wanted to resume the tradition. After we scored some great things at the market, The Boy made "an executive decision" and said we were going to a pumpkin patch! I was thrilled! We stopped at home to get snacks and our camera and off we went to Delaware where we met up with the Blinn grandparents and trekked through the muddiness of Miller's Farm to pick out our fall decor. 

Z was not into the wagon we rode from the farm out to the pumpkin patch because it was lined with straw and she didn't want to get dirty. What a priss I have on my hands. I have to say though, the apple didn't fall far from the tree because I know I was like that as a toddler... and might still be. Didn't matter to Mama and Papa though, we snapped some photos anyway! 

Still not so convinced, but she came around once we got onto the ground and got to find the perfect pumpkin for each of us.

By the time we were on the wagon ride back to the farm, Zachari had adopted one of the gourds as her phone. Once she learned what the it was called, she said "A gourd? That's like Gordon from Sesame Street! I'm gonna call him!" and on that phone she and Gordon chatted until we got off the wagon. A.Dorable.

We Blinns love the fall and I love it even more when I can be outside enjoying it with my loved ones. This time next year we'll tote two littles to a pumpkin patch and it'll be a blast! 

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