Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jonathan: 9 months


You're a man on the move and that's becoming more and more evident each time I try taking your monthly photos. You don't want to sit still. You don't want to look forward and smile at the camera. You don't want to act like you can even hear me. No, you're more interested in chewing a package of wipes, pulling the blanket off the chair that you're sitting in or trying to yank the plant down that's sitting on the dresser just above your head. Never a dull moment with you, Son. And to be honest, I sort of love it!

Here's what's been going on in the last month:

  • You've discovered Cheerios and like the rest of the fam, you're a fan!
  • At your check up you weighed 20.5 pounds - yay!
  • Some other foods you like include turkey, tortillas, pumpkin, peaches, mixed beans, spaghetti (especially if you get to feed it to yourself), plums, and quinoa. 
  • Foods you don't like as much? Strawberries (who are you?!), carrots and peas.
  • When you're holding on to something like a sturdy piece of furniture, you take a couple steps!
  • Its become harder to get things done in the kitchen while you're around, mister! You love getting into the dishwasher and all of the kitchen cabinets. Child-proofing is just around the corner. When you finally get a cabinet door open, you're quite proud of yourself and you enjoy clanging pots and pans onto the floor. You pull everything out, really. I let it happen as long as you're safe and as long as my nerves can tolerate it. You've gotta explore, right?
  • You've developed a little singing voice Jonathan and its just about the sweetest thing. Papa hasn't really heard it, but Z and I can detect it and we say More! More! More!
  • When music comes on, you stop, smile and start bouncing and/or clapping. Adorable.
  • You hear the word NO a lot and lately, you've started to react to it. Sometimes -rarely - that means you stop doing what you've been scolded for, but usually it means the tears start flowing and you try to manipulate us into caving. No siree! Little devil, you...
  • You've learned to make the N sound. It doesn't really go with anything, but to hear you do it is music to my ears no matter what.
  • And now, for the news that's the biggest deal of all... 
You've started sleeping through the night!!!!!

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