Wednesday, April 20, 2011

She sleeps

Last night ZJ went to bed at the usual time, around 7:45. What time did she wake up today? 10:15 a.m.! The girl who wouldn't sleep has changed and its amazing! She usually naps for an hour and a half or more each day and doesn't give us any fuss when we lay her down. I'm so thankful we're in this stage and I hope that our move doesn't stir things up for her too much. Her good sleeping patterns give way to our good sleeping patterns!

Because she slept in so late, her daily routine is all off. She ate breakfast around 10:30, lunch after 1 and she didn't take an afternoon nap. Well, actually she's asleep now. In her car seat in with her papa passed out in the passenger seat. We ran some errands in town and on the way home, Little Miss was spent. 

They're cute. I tried taking their picture, but with the gray day, crazy winds and glare from the windows, it didn't turn out. 

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