Friday, November 18, 2011

Bon Iver

Oh, Justin Vernon.

Your falcetto voice is insane. I mean, no man should be able to sing as high as you do. You do though, and you rock it. And I'll admit your high pitch is an acquired taste for some, but for me? It was love at first listen. Your music has helped me grieve losses in my life and weep with joy over the good things I've been given.

I often have no idea what your lyrics mean and what's even more confusing at times, is the music videos that go along with your songs, but who cares? This song (and the gorgeous images from the video) has been in my head all week and has haunted me. What is it about when you sing "And at once I knew I was not magnificent." that gets to my core and shakes me up a little? Maybe because I know I'm not all that magnificent either. I fail - every day. I aim too high and then don't follow through with things. I bite back at others when really I should be loving them gently. I struggle with pride as much as the next guy. Yeah, I am not magnificent. 

How thankful I am though for the patience, love, and grace that I receive when my shortcomings get the best of me. You continue to speak to me with your tunes. So thanks, you introverted, bearded, woodsman.  

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