Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Corporate worship

For the last few weeks when I've been at CV singing with the congregation its been a very emotional thing. And for the most part, its on Sunday mornings when my heart is most raw and ready to be taught. I don't do much throughout the week as far as spiritual discipline goes... and by "much", I mean nothing in fact. My Bible is still in a box in the attic and we've lived here almost five months. I process things when I blog or when I talk to others and I've prayed more in recent months than I have in years, but that's about it. I think something needs to change. Particularly, something needs to change about the way I view my day to day life and my husband and daughter in particular. I haven't liked the way I've acted towards Zachari lately. I could blame it on this or that, but I know that if I were more rooted in the teachings of Jesus I would have no option but to be more patient, loving, kind. 

When we were living in BG and Blinn was church-hopping on his own as I continued to curse God and His people, he would often come back and mention how nice it was to worship with dozens of other people. There's something different and special about that, I agree. Its one thing to sing along with a CD or to recite something from Celtic Daily Prayer with a couple other people, but to sing with many others with accompanying instruments is beautiful and the way (I think) it was meant to be. I'm thankful for Central Vineyard - I think I say that a lot on here - and I'm thankful for the ways that God is moving in me through the lives of those who attend CV with me.

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