Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Little One Letter #8

Oh, my sweet babe. Today's appointment at the specialist's office was fabulous. You are growing like a weed, moving all the time, and looking perfect as can be. I'm so thankful for you. Your papa and I are in a much healthier, more stable place in our faith in this pregnancy with you and Little One, the prayers of God's people are being answered with each week that I get to carry you. You look strong and if I do say so m'self, you look a-dorable! Look at you, just waving at the camera, like a pro! Get ready, we like to take lots of photos of babies in this family!

When I see your little baby feet, I'm reminded of your big brother's. It's his sweet feet that I often envision the most and  wish I had the pleasure of getting to see walk around this world. Today your footsies seemed huge, my love! ... and of course I mean that in the nicest way possible. Get huge, every part of ya, I say bring it on!

Well hello there, Little One! Every time we see you on the screen, my heart grows a little more for you and today was no exception. Look at your eyes and your (mama's) nose and your sweet lips. I can hardly wait to snuggle with you and kiss you! All. Over. 

What's that? A child of mine already has a decent head of hair? Alright! Who knew this is something that would show up on an ultrasound image, but it sure did make me happy to see this morning!

My babe...

I love you. 

I'm ready to meet you.

Keep growing big and strong in there, I'm so proud of you already. Keep punching me and kicking me and causing me aches and pains. This is a joy, such a gift and one I hope I never ever take for granted. You are beautiful and I'll say it again.

Some stats from our visit today:
You weigh approximately 2 pounds and 14 ounces. That's already more than half of your sister's birth weight and she cooked for  8 weeks longer than you, so hooray sweet pea! The blood flow through the umbilical chord is normal, the blood flow to the kidneys is normal, all of your organs are formed and looking great, the amniotic fluid is perfect. You are doing so well, let's keep up the good work! Oh, and Dr. Amburgey is so pleased and encouraged that she said I might not have to do NSTs! We'll go back at 32 weeks for another routine visit and at that time we'll decide if the tests are necessary. For a normal, healthy baby and pregnancy, they're really not and my love, we fall into that category as of right now! I am over the moon! I'm trying not to hold my breath over the NST thing, but that would just another answer to our many prayers and I would thrilled to show God's blessing through that victory! At the very least, an NST only once a week instead of twice and well, I'd take even that. As the doctor left she said "Well, okay. Stay boring!" and that is totally the plan!

I feel like I've been on a bit of a high ever since hearing such wonderful news. We are doing this, baby and I'm so happy to get regular reports of your health. We have a while to go, but hopefully this last trimester will be as uneventful and blissful as possible. When I napped today I had a very encouraging and realistic dream about bringing you into this world. Its the first dream I've had in this pregnancy where I was in labor on my own without needles or a hospital, but because YOU were ready to come out. I went into labor at home on a bright sunny January day and as contractions started, I tried to go about the day's routine with as much normalcy as I could muster. I told Zachari that I thought the baby was coming very soon and she was ecstatic. We cleaned around the house, we played and read books, the normal stuff. Here and there I'd pack a back for your big sis and I made a call to arrange for someone to take her in a few hours. I also requested that whenever the news was shared with her, that her reaction would be recorded on video. (I need to remember that for when its the actual birthing day.) I had a midwife, but wasn't planning on a home birth. I suppose she was just here for support (why wasn't she a doula?) until heading to the hosptial. I didn't tell your papa I was in labor, but just let him go about his work day til I felt things were progressing more. At one point, the midwife suggested that I call him to come home, just so we could have sex and I did and of course he didn't turn down the offer. It was wonderful. He happened to be this end of town so rushed home for a bit (not sure where Z was at that point) and being with him, loving him in the way that created you, my sweetie, soothed any fears I had and helped ease the pain. I know that when you read this one day you'll likely cringe at these details, but this blog is as much for me as if is for you and your sister so deal with it! I didn't get to finish the dream and see you be placed on my chest because I had to peeeeeeeee so bad (thanks so much for that, by the way), but the dream was such an encouragement nonetheless. I'm ready to meet you and when our birthing day comes, I'm excited to see how you and I work together to get the job done so that we can finally be face to face. 

Good night, honey. I love you.

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