Thursday, May 16, 2013


Baby Girl has had a rough week. Since the wee hours of Monday morning, she's been vomiting and/or having diarrhea, not able to keep even liquids down. She's been lethargic, weepy and so subdued - definitely not herself. When she woke up this morning still looking so pathetic and having gotten sick in the middle of the night, Blinn and I decided that a trip to downtown to the Emergency Department at Children's was in her best interest. Slowly our girl started to perk up a bit. She started out like this as we waited to see the nurse practitioner and she watched shows on PBS.

She later got some Zofran for nausea and then a popsicle which perked her up a bit into the sitting position. She ate a tiny bit and drank a decent amount after coming home so my hope is that when she wakes up tomorrow she's feeling much better. Baby steps though, don't want to rush her into anything and make her feel any worse. 

This week's weather has been aaaaamazing and I've felt quite cooped up having to stay inside with a sickie. There will be lots more good weather days in our future though and thankfully, my child isn't nearly as bad off as many of the kiddos at Children's Hospital today. Today Z should've had her first dental appointment, something she's been looking forward to. And tomorrow we had planned to go to Worthington to Touch a Truck, something I briefly mentioned to her weeks ago that she - of course - has not let me forget. All those things will have to wait. Its recoup time, sister. And goodness, am I praying that no one else in our family gets the mess Z's had!

I will say though, she's been pretty pleasant for as sick as she's been. So sweet, such good manners and just really quiet. I often crave quiet when she's around, but I don't want it if it means she's ill. The grass is always greener, eh? Tonight I'm counting my blessings and I'm very thankful for a little girl who is sleeping peacefully upstairs. 

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