Friday, March 14, 2014

Preschool parent-teacher conferences

On February 26th we had our second parent-teacher conference with Zachari's teachers. The first one back in the fall was pretty basic and I was almost disappointed at the lack of information about our girl. I had to remember though, that they were just getting to know her and there wasn't a whole lot to report on in the less than two months they'd all been together. This time around was different though, and the teachers were full of things to share. With each word that fell from their mouths, my chest puffed out a little bigger with pride for the sweet, bright, respectful daughter we're raising. 

Most days I think I'm completely sucking at the role of mom. I yell too much. I'm impatient way too often. I ignore Zachari's needs to take care of Jonathan or to sneak away to another room by myself for a few minutes. But in the context of the conference, I felt very reassured, like maybe some of the good days are adding up for something fruitful. Maybe, just maybe my little girl is growing up well and I'm doing a decent job. 


She's right on track developmentally and socially and there are even a few areas where she's ahead of the pack. 'Atta girl, Zachari Jane! She is kind to her classmates, listens well to her teachers, she's responsible and a great helper. There are all things I know about her deep in my heart, but sometimes I can lose sight of them in the day to day living. When she's being disobedient or shows a little more 'tude than I like, I can be so easy to focus on the negativity of that moment. But its just that - a moment - and over all, she is a fascinating, unique, vibrant work of art that is constantly changing and growing. 

My girl is a gift. To be her mother is a gift. And to live life with her by my side is more gift than I could ever ask for. 

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