Monday, November 19, 2012

Little One Letter #9

Hi, Sweet Babe. 

My goodness! You are quite the mover and shaker in there these days! Sure, throughout this entire pregnancy you've been giving me constant reminders that you're there and doing well, but lately, the party you've been throwing in my womb has been cah-ra-zee! Don't take this as criticism though, no way! I love it and I'm so thankful that you are alive and well and moving in all moments of the day!

Later this week we'll see the maternal fetal medicine specialist and I'm excited to see you! At that appointment we'll learn if non-stress tests (NSTs) will be necessary, but I am moving forward in faith that they won't be! However, if they do order them, I could probably schedule them for any time of day because there doesn't seem to be a time of day when you're quiet. You love to move!

Its kind of hard to believe that we're in month eight, right?! This pregnancy has been harder than with your brother and sister, I won't lie, but what a joy its been being able to carry you all these months. As the time of your birth gets closer, I'm so curious about things. What will you be like? What will it be like for you and I when our eyes meet for the very first time? How will your papa react when you burst forth into this world? What will your sister's reaction be when she hears that you're born and then sees you face to face? So many questions that can't be answered until your birth day and really, I'm a-okay with that day being a while from now. 

I love you, Sweet Pea and I'm enjoying these last weeks with you inside. You and I will never be quite this close ever again and while that saddens me a bit, its just part of how things work. Its gonna be great to have you in my arms. I'll see you soon!

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