Sunday, February 2, 2014

The birthday girl

What a fun-filled, tiring, happy weekend we've had celebrating Zachari Jane. My girl is four years old today. I don't know how this is possible and yet I think I say something like this every year. The time goes by so quickly and in what most often feels like the blink of an eye, she's another year older... and so am I!

Yesterday we had Zachari's family party at Panera. We were probably the only people to host a four year old's birthday party such a restaurant, but I suggested it because I knew their community room was large enough (and free!) and girlfriend loved the idea! Here she is in the parking lot before we went inside with the bundle of balloons Papa picked up. I love the pop of color amidst the gray and rainy day.

We turned a lot of heads as we walked through the crowded restaurant with all those balloons, a bag of decorations, a baby boy in a stroller and a birthday cake!

Brother was amazed by all the balloons and for probably the first 20 minutes or so, he just sat in a daze, eating Cheerios and marveled at their beauty. He's been on antibiotics for a couple days now for an ear infection and respiratory gunk, poor guy. He was actually pretty clingy during the party and you could tell he just didn't feel well, but he was a trooper. He was happy to celebrate Sister and didn't make a fuss or whine about his own discomfort at all. 

 We all had a nice time together and as usual, Z was slightly spoiled with lots of gifts. Her favorite ones were a bathrobe, cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat. Matt and I were downstairs before she woke up this morning and we heard her two little feet come down from her ladder, then scurry off a bit before coming downstairs. She needed to get her birthday morning attire on, apparently because this is how she appeared!

In the middle of hte living room floor she saw this, her gifts from us (and the Bells). We got her the sled, two dresses from Old Navy and inside the biggest box she found more dress up stuff, pictured below. She cracks me up in that photo!

After service we made a last minute decision to go to Bob Evans, another one of Z's favorites (she's such an old soul as far as her restaurant preferences, eh?). Here I am with her as we waited for a table...

And here's how Brother spent most of the time there: Coat still on, propped up in the booth against's Matt's coat and the booster seat we thought he'd sit in. Precious boy...

I love the innocent, beautiful-girl, sweet expression on her face here. 

With a few minutes to spare, Brother woke up and was super excited to learn how to blow bubbles through straw. Happy birthday to you, Sister!

Its been a great weekend and tomorrow Z will get to celebrate with her preschool class. This little lady who loves fiercely and rocks our world all the time is who made me a mother. She is my favorite. I'm so happy that we get to celebrate another year of her gift of a life. 

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